
TPPP Special : Skepticon 10 Podcaster Panel

I had the privilege of sharing the stage with Maddy Love and Marissa McCool at Skepticon 10 for a panel entitled ‘Diversifying Atheist Voices’, which we all thought was ironic because we were three White people! We realized, however, that the subject was not ourselves but the guests we had on our shows. We have all certainly tried to have different perspectives on our respective shows. I didn’t talk much, mostly because I was the token allocishet White guy, and Maddy and Marissa are much more experienced in then I am. Nevertheless, it was an honor and privilege to be on the same stage as them, and I especially want to thank Stephanie Zvan for making this panel possible, as well as moderating the panel. I hope y’all enjoy!

Download the audio here.

TPPP Episode 31 : Interviewing The Interviewer

Greetings and welcome to another scintillating episode of The Podunk Polymath Podcast! This is a bit of a special episode, because for only the second time on the podcast I have a guest for the pre-ramble and the palaver! Zach Law of Zachrilege Cast joins me firstly on the pre-ramble as we talk about the GOP’s newly unveiled health care plan and our takes on its merits (spoiler : we think it sucks)! I also announce a new patron, and a very special one at that : The badass host of Inciting Incident Podcast, as well as author and generally awesome human being, Marissa McCool! I also mention once again that NaNoCon is starting in less than a week, and how y’all better get your tickets now before they sell out!

The fun with Zach continues on the palaver, where we talk about his podcast, his personal views, our love of beer, as well as his penchant for belching during interviews. It’s a boozy conversation between two friends, and I had a lot of fun talking to him. It’s a bit of a reprieve from the more serious subjects the show generally covers, and I think we all could use it during these dark days. Enjoy!

Download the show here.

Here’s What GOP Bill Would (And Wouldn’t) Change For Women’s Health Care

Zachrilege Cast on Podbean

Zachrilege Cast on YouTube

Zachrilege Cast on Facebook

Zachrilege Cast on Twitter



As most of you undoubtedly know by now, I have relinquished my hosting duties on the podcast. Joe is still hosting, however, and he has a new co-host named Sharon Bush. She brings a fresh perspective to the show, and I think she will prove to be an asset. Going forward, the tenor of the show will change, with less emphasis on ridicule and divisiveness, and more emphasis on what can be done to improve society through collaboration with secularists and theists alike. Of course, just is just a broad outline, and Joe has his own ideas, so I may be completely wrong, in which case I will gladly stand corrected. All podcast content will now be located at http://utbbpodcast.wordpress.com. I am going to leave the links for donation, Patreon, Stitcher, Spreaker, and iTunes on the page for now, as well as the RSS feed, until such time as all this information is transferred to the libsyn page.

This page will once again be solely a blog page for my sometimes cogent ramblings, which was its original intent. I am going to concentrate more on social and political issues, however, though of course secularism and skepticism will still inform much of my writing.  One thing I want to try to do from this point forward, however, is to try to be more pensive and less reactionary on any issue I discuss. Of course, this does not mean I won’t go off on the occasional tirade against something that really grinds my gears. What it does mean, however, is that I am going to try to approach everything I write about from skeptical point of view, including issues I am sympathetic with. I hope in this way to try to get to the central truth of the matter instead of reaffirming any preconceptions I might already have. Cognitive bias is a bitch, after all.

So, if you like the blog, by all means read, follow, or comment. If you want only to hear the dulcet tones of Joe and Sharon (and, really, who could blame you), then go check them out at the aforementioned website, and go like the page on Facebook. They can also be found on Twitter @JoeKindic and @SharonBushUTBB. Of course, there is always the show Twitter account @SeethinHeathen which I will also be using for the blog. Thanks and take care.